I got the 302 in the mav but I had to remove the power steering shock linkage from the frame so the headers could clear. can I run the car without power steering or will this be a problem being that it's has a power steering box? I also had to remove all the shifter linkage since the header took that space up to. what do you guys usually do in this situation? should I cut a hole in the floor and put a b&m shifter in it? any advise would be great. also, I'm looking for a water pump pully and fan for this car if anyone wants to part with one. thanks c.b.
If you just disconnect the ps pump or belt, you will have to force the steering against the pressure built up in the power ram. If you remove the ram and pump, then you will in essence be driving manual with a ps gear box, which isn't impossible, just difficult to turn. You will run the risk of popping the ball out of the socket in the power valve and losing steering unless you switch to a manual adapter.
whats easier, changing the p/s box with a manual box or putting on a manual adapter? also, where can I get either of the two parts? thanks c.b.
you also said I could lose stering. how likely is this and would you say I shouldn't even drive the car?
Manual adapter will be easier, and probably cheaper than replacing the parts. Check out Autokrafters for parts www.autokrafters.com
Hey Yellow without the adapter inplace it is not worth the risk... Shoot me an email hoping to have my mav. on the road in a few weeks already have the 302 coversion and front disc swap..If you want to take a look at the set up let me know I would bring her down for a cool night cruise..Only 25 minutes from yah....rheyco@comcast.net
That still wont prevent what scooper was talking about. The problem is the power valve which is part of the linkage. Thats what the adapter will take care of. Only thing switching the steering boxes will do is change the lock to lock turns. The ps box has less turns lock to lock so it is quicker. Much better in my opinion. Also, as I previously stated, because it has been power assisted, it will be in much better shape than any manual box you find.