Which one will I bring!!!!!!!! We are drag racing, so the 70' will be there.Now..............if I can get my wife to forget about the 75', I still might have it and if I do it will be there too. I know I had talked about getting rid of the 75', but it is gonna be harder to do than expected. I really would like to let it sit and get it running as time permits. But the better half is not near as patient as I am. So I am not sure whats gonna happen with that one.
sorry Dennis... It as taken me awhile to get back with you on the shop that I bought mine from. They are about 45 miles from me, so I had been trying to call them, finally rode out there the other day.....and they are "out of business". There is another place here in town that sells them for $200+tax. The # is= (502)964-6652.