I e-mailed AK to try and see if they had any complete flywheels for my engine and at what cost. Don't really wanna go through them but I will if I have to. The one I need isn't listed in the catalog and the one they do list says Ring Gear only. so i'm trying their used parts department it doesn't have to be brand new I just want one with a descent ring gear that I don't have to try and change myself with the limited resources I have. I don't have any chisels, the hack saw I do have has dull blades it'd probably take the ring gear off but i'd be out there forever and a day trying to do it I don't have a dramel wheel with a drill or i'd use that so if I was forced to buy just the ring gear i'd end up having a shop put the gear on for me, if I do that I may as well have em resurface the flywheel and the Clutch Preasure Plate while i'm at it, that is of course a last resort option only.
Update Flywheel is good to go. I had a ring gear put on it and while at it had it resurfaced now it looks like a brand new flywheel. Once I get the Clutch Preasure Plate issue out of the way and a new pilot bearing I should be set to go. Then comes the grueling task of putting it all back together and praying it all works I don't wanna have to do this again for a very long time.