There's been so many different opinions on what to use and so on.From what i've read and heard,some people has had to use the matching rod end along with the spindle,others had to get the special shim,that drops down in the tie rod end hole,and some have had no problem.Years ago i put spindles from a 77 granada,onto a 72 maverick,using the maverick tie rod ends and they fit fine.Maybe depends on how much wear the spindle's have,what year the spindle is,ect.But...Yes the disc brake spindles from a 74 comet will work on a 73 maverick
thanks for the info i dont know that much on fords so any help is a big help will i need 2 change anything else like master cyl
Only thing i changed on mine was the master cyl.Used one for the granada.Kept the Maverick drum/drum prop.valve.Same as the tie rod end's...there has been alot of discussion on what work's with what.Some have used a combo like I did,and Others have used a disc/drum prop.valve with good results.