Update to Pinto laying in waste. Sold to someone in Lehigh, Utah. The junkyard owner told me, I hope they restore it. I also noticed it looked like the early 60's Comets and Falcons were missing
Did you pick that one up John? If you did they have what looks like a 72 with all of the small bumper parts and such up at transwest up by Smith and Edwards.
Nah I just emailed pictures of the early Falcons, Comets and an old AMC Marlin to a few clubs I hope I saved some. What's up Mark I havent seen you posting in awhile? There's a lot of good buys on running Pinto's West of the Mississippi these days but nobody seems to have the spare cash.
They have been jumping shifts on me at work lately, they bounce me around to wherever they need to get their numbers caught back up. Management put a directive out that everything we are behind on gets vended out so I keep getting stuck where the crap work is averaging 60+ hours a week... The scary part is in a regular 40 hour week 52 weeks a year that comes to a total 2080 hours (40*52=2080) I just topped 3000 hours for the year this morning. And I should have another 400-500 hours in by the time january hits.
Hey Mark about 3 weeks ago a guy saw me and my Maverick at a freinds and told me there's an auto-body shop near or next to or the dump on 21st street in Ogden. He said the owner has had Maverick stored there for a long time that was owned by a little old lady (He said it had handi-capped plates.) He told me the owner claimed for quite awhile that tired old story we all hear as they sit and rot that he's going to restore it. He told me it seemed to be in good condition and it was blue and white my first thought was a Sprint? On the way home I thought it could be a 74 Grabber if you or someone here comes this way it may be worth checking out. Mark when are we going to get more pictures of your Maverick?
I know, been trying to buy this one for 2 years now but he is going to restore it. Been just sitting there for a long time.
I can post a few more right now but its hard to tell what it is with the couple inches of snow on it right now.
Oh yeah Mark I forgot about the snow I dont know how but I did. Tlowery thats a shame to see a Comet GT just sit and sit I have a soft spot for Comet GT's.