Found 2 - 1995 Ford Taurus GL V6/3.8 about 40min away here in a pull a part. Gonna give them a call and maybe go up this weekend. According to Wicapedia the 2nd generation Taurus was made from 91-95
Got lucky in one of the cars had the fan and shroud still. $28 out the door. Hooked it up to a battery and still spins very good. Will I be able to run this thing with the stock alternator? Figured at 2500CFM on low that should be good enough.
Stock alternator barely support stock accessories in my opinion. Replaced all my fords with GM one wire. 100 amp!!! Ford stock might be 40amp i think.
I also have a Taurus fan, but I did a Ford 3G 130 amp alt upgrade first. You may be able to run it with the stock alternator, but I sincerely doubt it. That looks like the 3.0 fan.
You will know when ur turn signals, headlights and/or electric devices start acting abnormal, ur running short on power. If you have any other current hungry devices -- upgrade NOW!
I went all LED on all the lights (except the two front side markers), plan on going LED on the head lights. Non A/C. I think I might try it on the existing alternator and see how it goes.
There is no way my Taurus fan is gonna fit. Going to have to trim the shroud. My shroud looks so much bigger then others pictured
That looks different than mine too, but it looks like you can trim enough off for pulley least what I see from the pics makes it look doable. My setup left me with the back of the fan motor getting into the I trimmed just enough of the shroud perimeter on the radiator side to get clearance. Any more off of mine would put the fan blade into the radiator. It took me a few runs at it before I got it sorted out.
Also that part of the core support where the red arrow is at the bolt, looks like it could be flattened a little for a tiny gain. I think I may have adjusted that spot forward a tiny bit with a hammer........I was scrounging for space too.
The junk yard had it labeled as a 95. It was def a Taurus. I thought the engine was a 3.8L. Maybe it wasnt.