Drys up like cement painted underside and other little parts over a year and a half ago and it still looks the same , I would recommend buying it in small containers , I've wasted at least a half a quart by not resealing it perfectly and it hardened in the can.
no it hardens and doesnt chip. my uncle has a few cars he undercoated 30yrs ago. its still solid. the gas evaporates and the tar dries.
my uncle has done this for over 30yrs and ive checked it out. the gas evaporates and the tar dries solid. it isnt sticky at all like you might think. he told me he picked it up from a few older guys he knew when he was younger. seeing is proof for me so ill be going this route inside and out. try it on a spare fender and see what you think. just mix the gas with it until its as thin as house paint.
I use roofing tar on my garage floor to fill in cracks. Over a period of five or six years it cracks, turns hard & brittle. I have never mixed it w/gasoline so, can't say what the end results wud be mixing w/ gasoline. I am very leary of using gas for anything other than propulsion of a vehicle. Set a garage and race car on fire many years ago, every since, have a healthy respect for the stuff...
OE Mag 500 * 14" Whatever the fac offset wud have been -- I really don't know the offset -- never checked it --Sorry!