I have access to a complete Tarus AC set up and was thinking of replacing the set up on the 74 Comet with something newer/ more energy efficient. I have a 250 with Ac now. Other then pulleys/special brackets to put it in. Do I need a different switch? Do newer AC systems use a different voltage or anything or can I splice the Tarus connector to my wireing at the compressor and Use my stock on /off, high/low switch.
AC efficiency Oh yeah, the newer stuff is a lot more efficient. I believe that the newer ones (Samdens (sp?)) used by companies like Vintage Air use 1/3! the horsepower than the big ol' heavy Yorks that came in these cars. Why not look at Vintage Air or one of the other companies that specialize in this? They have complete kits with the details worked out to do a really clean installation, and know how to make it all work. Even knowing some of the basics, A/C is one topic where I am sure it is a really steep learning curve to get the last details right.
Just trying to save money. free verses 1,000 or more. If I use an entire system I didn't see any problems except hanging/aligning pulleys. The only electrical/vacuum etc would be the switch correct? or are there other sensors/switches I'm not thinking about?
I know the A/C plays into computor issues with the newer cars for spark advance, feul volume etc. because of the additional load they create. How it does it I do not know, and I doubt the computor has any affect on the A/C. I'm sure there is someone on here that knows how and what the relationship is, and if it matters. Lou