I suppose if the dimensions work and you use an electric fan, then other makes, models, years would work with a little fancy creativity. Anyone using a non-Maverick/Comet radiator?
Im using a 87-93 5.0 cross flow... just notched out the inner frame rails and put in rubber to set the radiator into
I'm running a generic aluminum cross-flow http://www.performancebodies.com/store/product.asp?dept_id=530&pf_id=HOW342A
Where do the transmission lines go in? I have a nice fat Chevy van radiator(350ci) but the transmission lines are on the side instead of the bottom. After I get a cooling fan I can route the water however I need to but the transmission lines need to be routed too.
Didn't need transmission lines for my T5. You could always get a separate trans cooler and mount it wherever you want.
I'm going for free or next to free. I have access to several cars and trucks for parts none of which are Mavs or Comets.
I have no transmission lines in my radiator, I just use an external trans cooler, and my trans temp gauge says it works just fine. I wouldn't think a Chevy radiator would work so well, just because of where the hose fittings are. Aren't they backwards from Ford and Chrysler?
I thought if I ran a cooling fan it wouldn't matter about the water hoses, they could run any way they had too. External trans cooler sounds good.