The 3.8L motor almost has my vote for the worst motor ever. I have a 94 tbird with that engine. Blew the head gaskets at 129k. Hella complicated too, took me 9 months on and off to fix it. (not going to go into it here. One problem led to another) There are a couple of strong points about that motor, Except for the head gaskets, it is strong and reliable. never had any tune up related problems such as missing, etc, no water pump, alternator probs etc, and it gets me 25 mpgs. The head gasket problem remains on 3.8L up till the 98 model year.
Well, there's always the motor and transmission and all the drivetrain that typically wears that can go wrong, but as far as suspension, steering, and all that other stuff the MAvericks are so simple there's nto a whole lot that can go wrong that can possibly cost a lot to fix! Actually, i don't thiink there's a whole lot wrong with the 3.8L's, aside from the head gaskets. They're not a very well-designed motor but they aren't horrible either. My vote for the worst modern engine is the 3.1L found in many GM's....very very bad motor. My vote for the worst car is the Pontiac 6000's, definitely a POS!