I'm wondering what you guys think about Granada Leafs for a replacement..... Maverick springs are 23 9/16 front spring eye to 'center' bolt and 31 7/16 to rear eye from bolt..... Granada is 23 5/8 and 31 3/8 a 1/16 of an inch do you think the small shift would make that big of a difference?? or could this be within tolerences( i'm figuring manufacturing wise they could easily be off by that much. JC Whiney sells Granada 4 leaf for $ 79.99 plus 3.99oversize handling the Mavs i cant seem to find anywhere but General spring for 110. each.. They both use the same bushings. so what do you guys think are the a less expensive alternative??? I kknow about the E-150 spring post but I'm lazy and don't have the time
I never knew they were that close. A 1/16" is probably well within manufacturing tollerences. I don't see how it will effect anything for installation. I say go for it and let us know what happens!
i have asked this before in this thread: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=81518 looks like we need a volunteer to find out!
Well, I guess that helps to know they lift the rear quite a bit. Wonder if this was a 3 or 4 leaf, and what could a spring shop do to re-arch them to a better hight? Granada springs picture
Since a small bumper Maverick is a lot lighter than a big bumper Maverick (or Granada) the spring rate will be different. You can't go by the amount of leafs to know the spring rate. Some 3-leaf springs are more than other 3-leaf springs...some 4-leaf are weaker than some 3-leaf springs. http://dixiemaverick.com/DMleafsprings.html
i looked up the spring rate on general springs and the 4 leaf grnada is 829lbs i think i'm going to have to put these on my b-day wish list .....if they sit too high i guess there is always lowering blocks
I have general spring 4 leaf springs and it sat way to High... I took peoples advise and put the car together filled the 19 gal mustang tank and drove it... after 2 weeks of driving it, the rear has settled a little over 2 inches and I now like the way it looks... If I do the Shelby drop I may put a 1 inch lowering block in....
I have the same springs abt 18mos and I doubt mine have settled more than one inch. It's not too high it just rides a little stiff for my taste - not bad enough to remove a leaf yet - Just to lazy.