Well I spent some time with the headers tonight.....there is a big difference between hooker and headman. the 6901's are heavier and have thicker flanges. there wasn't any gaskets or bolts in my box...though the summit says they are included. I had to jack up the engine to get the driver's side in wouldnt go past the clutch throw out arm....I just had enough time to just get the end bolts in so i could see what mods I needed to do. Looks like the power steering will work with the aftermarket drop bracket...but I will still need to shave a little more off the engine side of the z-bar. looks to be a much better design. Robert
Yep came in a big box too....our shipping guy called me yesterday and did the same thing......."Robert....I have a hooker in shipping for ya...HEE HEE" Robert
When I bought my last set of Hooker headers, when they arrived the box was pretty banged up. It appears the gaskets and bolts fell out at some point. Looked like someone folded them up and stuffed them back in the box.
i went with the summit brand long tubes, they fit good with out gettin in the way, but you have to run with a flour shift witch i see u already installed
what headers would you run on a 74 comet 302v8 c4 automatic and power steering? i need to do something with the exhaust. might as well start at the front
headers for my 351W....? ya, I'm still trying to locate headers for my 351W. I see alot of headers online but there seems to be some confusion from the sellers whether or not I can find the "right" headers fro my 74 Mav with the 351W. I keep seeing the HOOKER COMPETITION HEADERS MODEL # 6901 BUT nobody can tell if they fit a 351W....isnt the 351W basically the same as the 302? I hear the 351W has a taller deck height (whatever that means) ssssssssso I NEED somebody to tell whether or NOT that hooker headers model # 6901 will fit my motor??? I'm rrrrrrrreally getting agravated with this header ordeal !!!
i know that. i don't want to drop the 400 for headers if they don't fit... i found a definition of deck height... Deck Height: The distance between the flat "quench" surface of the piston and the top of the bare cylinder (no head gasket). Typically an engine is set to zero deck height with the head gasket (compressed value) defining the "squish band" value. If the value is negative this indicates the piston's "quench" surface extends above the top of the bare cylinder.
I have FlowTech 12100 headers. They fit well, last a long time, and cost less than the others. They are at Summit for $129.00. Give them a look.
the hookers wont fit a 351. the taller deck hight means that the block is taller than a 302 block. so the heads are higher up meaing that the exhast ports are higher and also closer to the shock towers. the only headers that i know that are avaiable are the one from crites.
so we're back to the crites headers....lol. man, I wished i knew for sure which headers work and which DONT? Gosh I'd really hate to buy headers and they dont work out and have to wait to buy different headers again! Nothing that I can figure would be a worse thing than trying to swap the motor in and not having the headers fit and then me and my buds having to yank the motor back out. Crites headers are PRICY and more than likely outta MY budget for now. Id like the header purchase to be my foremost and first important thing to buy for the 351w swap....ANYBODY ELSE IN THIS FORUM RUNNING A 351W IN YOUR MAVERICKS AND WHICH BRAND/MODEL HEADERS FIT THE "FIRST TIME" AROUND????????
If you haven't actually built the 351w yet, I'd say don't. These cars weren't really designed for anything larger than a 302, so the 351's extra 1.5 inches of width makes an already tight fit near impossible. Unless you feel comfortable cutting your shock towers and other stuffs to make room. Besides, you can build a 302 to more than make up for the cubic inches, plus parts are usually cheaper and easier to find. For a while I thought about dropping a Cleavor (Windsor with Cleavland heads) in my Comet, but decided that redoing the engine bay was too much work.
Your definition has to do with quench distance. Block deck height is the distance from the crankshaft centerline to the block's head mounting surface.