Quick ration steering box If your car currently has manual steering, a power steering box has a much better ratio in it. I took the power assist off of mine but kept the box and other than being a struggle to parallel-park the car, it is fine.
Mine ran out of fluid and its' extremely hard to turn. Do you thing that's because the valve will not open to flow without fluid or what? I have a manual box and center link that need rebuild, but I'm not sure that the ratio will have me spinin too much.
Valve? Wait a minute...unless you guys have a different set-up than ours...Mav "power" steering box is an usual steering box but with different ratio... If you're using it without the power assitance...than that's not the problem. Ham
Do you still have the assist ram hooked up and no fluid, etc.? If so, I imagine that would be pretty tough to turn. I would keep the power box, assuming it is in good shape, and install that manual center link. The manual box does take a lot of turns lock-to-lock. At anything more than 10 mph, mine is very nice to drive, a bit firmer than normal power steering in a newer car. Ours were over-boosted from the factory.
Oh, the assist ram is still hooked up. I was moving it into the garage and it was way too hard to be driven that way. I will pull the pump and the assist, then I'll put the manual centerlink in and try it. thanks