Pinto consoles are great. I put one in my Comet years ago so I didn't have to cut the dash to install a radio. I lucked out though and it was the same color so I didn't even have to paint it.
Why, but why does a Pinto console have to die and be put in a Maverick? Just kidding, I think that looks very good. My Pinto agrees. Chris
There is a low priced one on ebay.
You know, I brought one of these to the last two round up's. Still have it, athought mine came out of a Bobcat.
UPDATE: So the other day i was in my maverick and i needed to get something from the glove box....and guess what? it wont open with the Console. If you have a non glove box car your golden. now i have to find a solution.. :Handshake UPDATE #3 issue has been solved:
If you trim a bit off the top, you can tuck it further under the dash so that it clears the glovebox. I prepped one of these for my Comet when I had a later lower dash swapped in. Before I could install it, I stumbled upon a Versailles console, so the Pinto unit sat on a shelf. Gave it to Shinysideup last year, and he is thrilled with it. He modded it so that the tray is a cupholder.
I cant believe i never saw that post ^^^^^ well i updated the first post again! thanks captain comet :Handshake