Terry; if you get some fiberglass resin, I have some cloth, and we could fix it at my house, anytime you want. The resin is about $10 for a quart, and the hardner is about $3, and they can be bought at AutoZone. I know how to use it, so get the stuff, and let's get this thing fixed and on the road. Give me a call.
Hawko, are you going to use the electric fan that mounts on the inside of the engine compartment or outside? Against the radiator? Why use a fan shroud with an electric fan? Will it help? Seth
Don't know, yet is the answer to all four questions. If I use an electric fan, I shouldn't have to use a shroud. I will plot my progress ever which way I go on the MMB.
I wondered if you were referring to the drag race type electric fan motor that sits on the side of the engine and turns the fan and the water pump. I think they are a race only item. Good luck with fixing that. Seth
I fixed the shroud in my Cyclone with JB weld, cant even tell. sprayed some low gloss black over it and looks great. Dan
Dan, I believe you just answered Mavaholics question from earlier in the thread - "Anybody ever try JB Weld to repair them? I just picked up a 302 parts car so I might try it on the shroud." __________________
Hey guys, If you want a great alternative for an awesome looking fan shroud you need to check this out. I won this shroud on eBay and installed it today. It's chrome plated, looks and works great. I got it for $17.99 plus $9.95 shipping but they sell them for $20.00 out of their catalog which was included when I got the shroud. I'll try to take some pics tomorrow and post them in case you might be interested.
Well, I guess I should post the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7928223464&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT
I used Gorilla Glue on my 302 fan shroud, then painted it semi gloss black. Can't even tell it was cracked.
Here's some photos. I hope you can tell enough about it. I love it myself. It actually only covers a little over half of the fan, close to 3/4. It's 3 inches wide and looks great. It's also very easy to install...took about 15 minutes and you don't have to remove anything. If you like the custom look you can't beat it for less than $30.00 including shipping.
That does look sharp!! I got an old shroud from a '74 Comet, and it cracked. I took it to a buddy's house, and took about 10 minutes to fiberglass it. I didn't sand it down or anything because it is very low down, but the rest of the shroud my decintigrate, but that resin will BE there. I'd try that if you have a busted one on hand, but I gotta admit, rayzorsharp's shroud looks good! Preston
Temp has never gone over 190 while driving or just idling. before I put it on it was getting up to 200 quite often.