Rick, kinda sneaky of you to add the "I did" at the end of the quote in your thread. Kinda like you blamed me for putting them there
Honestly, I went to a Rob Zombie/Godsmack concert a couple weeks ago, and I was amazed at how much of the stuff still gets passed around by the kids nowadays. I thought it had kinda phased out and other "chemicals of choice" were being used. It smells like they put it mixed in with some kind of sweet smelling cigarette, maybe those "Clove" cigarettes. But there is no mistaking that other smell mixed in...
Actually he didn't add the "I did". He was just careful where he cropped your sentence. Yep...kinda sneaky.
when i went to a little show at someones(didnt know whos party it was but i still went) house last week, there were so many kids doing acid of all things,it really surprissed me that people still do these things. Everytime i go to my uncles house in Mira Loma i can smelll the meth labs, they have a bust every week over there Kinda hard living in the biggest meth county in the world.(Riveride/San Bernardino)
It's called a blunt wrap. You can get them at any gas station in many diffrent flavors/smells. On this site, I was thinking more like too old.
('sorry - just noticed this post again) My apologies, Scott... As Ray put it, I 'cropped' the quote too short. My bad. (I fixed it)
Just messin' with ya, Rick I did not know you could "smell" a meth lab...what does it smell like, and what ingredient(s) are you smelling? Seems like it would make it easy to shut the business down if the cops just had to drive around smelling the air...
The labs blow up (lets face it, they are drug addicts not chemist ). Thats how the authorities find out. They are usually up in the high desert, victorville, hesperia area.
I made it through and so will your son. Just give him space but keep an eye on him. If it gets bad enough do what you gottta do. I still go to NA at least once every couple of months. It reminds me how low I sank. I also volunteer once a month at a Christian Drug/Alcohol program as a Counselor. Lance